Do you need a loan to finance your dreams, but you do not have time and background knowledge of bank offers? Leave it to us! You don’t have to struggle with the procedures yourself. The Financial Experts cooperating with us will provide you with comprehensive care, ensuring the simplification and acceleration of the entire process.
Credit assistance
We will help you
get a loan for free
We help to obtain mortgage and cash loans both for the purchase of apartments and their finishing.
How do Financial Experts help?
1st At the meeting
- we will check if you can afford a selected apartment,
- we will present and compare even over a dozen offers from various banks
2nd After the meeting
- we will help you collect and complete necessary documents
- we will submit loan applications to the banks of your choice
3rd Processing the application
- we supervise the entire loan granting process
- we are in constant contact with the bank
4th The bank's decision
- we will inform you about the decision and arrange signing of the contract
- in the event of refusal to grant a loan, you lose nothing – we will refund your down payment and all other costs.
5th Withdrawal of funds
- we will make sure that the credit and funds are disbursed
- you always have the option of changing the credit to a cheaper one – if such an offer appears, the Financial Expert will call you
Why is it worth appointing a meeting Free assistance
the Financial Expert’s service is completely free.*
in granting loans, thanks to the best experts on the market.**
Up to PLN 311,000 difference
in creditworthiness
assuming: 1 borrower with a net income of PLN 5,000 and 25% of contribution. ***
Nawet o Credit cheaper by up to
PLN 56,000
assuming: an apartment worth PLN 400,000, own contribution 25%, life of the loan – 25 years. ***
Lots of offers
in one place
at a meeting with an expert, you will get up to 12 different loan offers to compare, thanks to which you will save time.